sâmbătă, 22 decembrie 2012

Christmas Postcards for everyone!

Just like last year, I made Christmas postcards and gave them to all my classmates. I was so happy when they told me: "Y'know, I still have last year's postcard at home. I've found a great place for it!" They liked this year's postcards too. I don't remember where I got this idea from but I hope I'll never give up on it. I actually wish it to become an every year tradition for me. It feels so nice to give everybody a little Christmas gift. Three days ago it snowed here for the first time this year, by the way. Things got quite windy after that.  I like snowy weather. Winter without snow would be just super cold for no good reason and mega dull.  But we've got all we need to be happy this Christmas!

2 comentarii:

  1. nu stiu care imi place mai mult dintre felicitarile de anul asta... poate purcelul salvat care se credea ingeras, poate mosul sforaitor, sau iepurila cel cool ;) aducator de lumina ;) !!!
    love them all

  2. e al treilea an parca de cind tot faci xmascards ... si noi le avem.. .. ce idee buna sa le inramam... intr-un colaj ;)


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