joi, 24 iulie 2014

Upside down

I've already arrived home... and I don't know if I like it or not. My admission experience wasn't very happy... because I didn't make it. I'm not going to be an arts student in Cluj. It hurts. Why? Because now I have to change my plans. All my plans. Failure was not an option. Yes, I was a little afraid but I didn't think that this was going to happen to me for real. It happened. I just couldn't stand the feeling that, after an entire year of hard work, I wasn't able to make it. I felt just like someone slammed the door into my face and I could do nothing to change the verdict. I thought of my parents who did everything for me, I thought of my teacher who helped me so much, I thought of my friends who managed just fine.
Now I've decided to apply for the arts university in Bucharest. Here I am. I've never ever imagined that I'm going to be a student in Bucharest. It was never an option. It wasn't part of my plans... but now those plans mean nothing. My mind is upside down. I can't wait to get back on my feet. 

Learn to accept failure and transform it into a new opportunity. Learn to embrace the unexpected and don't make long term plans. Learn to stand tall. Learn to be a winner even when you fail.
This is not the end. 

3 comentarii:

  1. Everything's going to be fine. Just keep yoyr gead up, girl!!!

  2. Poate e mai bine asha, vei fi mai aproape de Constanta, de familie si din experienta îti spun ca "tot raul e spre bine"...o vei constata peste câtiva ani, vei fi obligata sa-ti faci alte planuri de cariera si poate vor fi mai bune decât visele actuale. Încearca sa te bucuri de sansa asta noua si profita de tinerete, de anii de studentie si vei vedea ca viata îti va fi frumoasa ca un vis!

  3. Uneori, ceea ce ne dorim nu se potriveste cu ceea ce a ales Dumnezeu pentru noi. Dar stiu ca El are grija intotdeauna de cei buni si frumosi, asa cum esti tu, Mimi. Iti doresc sa fii fericita si ca talentul tau sa fie rasplatit.


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